Firmware KineOS 6.1

The latest KineOS6.1 as an elegant and powerful firmware matches MAVO LF and provides more enhancement like optimization on UI, black balancing, project blanking, more anamorphic ratios, e-ND step setting, etc. MAVO LF, MAVO, TERRA 4K even TERRA 6K can work with KineOS6.1, but not all new functions applicable on TERRA 4K and TERRA 6K. […]

Shot on Kinefinity cameras

No matter MAVO LF, MAVO, or TERRA 4K, they feature state-of-art CMOS imaging sensors, and achieve super organic and low-noise images with high dynamic range, stunning details, from sub-S35, S35 to Full Frame.  We will keep updating video works shot by Kinefinity cameras, and some of them have footages for downloading. If you also want […]

Wake Up (shot on MAVO)

Cameraman, Director, Graded by Louis Mayo; Location: Los Angeles, USA; Camera: MAVO, EF Mount; Lenses: Sigma Art 18-35mm f/1.8; Recording format: 6K ProRes422HQ @25fps, 50fps, ISO: 1600-3200; Graded: Resolve 14. The following is the talk between Kinefinity and Louis. How did the opportunity present itself? That’s a great question, because there are so many talented […]

MAVO and More at 2018 NAB

C11742, April 9-12, NAB, Convention Center, Las Vegas. Kinefinity will attend the 2018 NAB show again. MAVO as whole-new flagship, TERRA 4K as best entry-level cine camera, DarkTower wireless platform on KineBACK-W, and large-format cine lens as MAVO Prime. Get to know our design philosophy as well as the easy and smooth shooting & post-workflow by […]

KineOS5.2 (for TERRA 6K)

KineOS5.2 is only for TERRA 6K. The update covers improving monitoring image quality; allowing different FPS for monitoring; much more responsive on UI; activating Low-power Mode on SideGrip, supporting fast-forward or fast-reverse when playback, changing the working principle when applying external TC, lowering the minimum sensor fps to 2fps and supporting e-ND adapters.

KineOS 5.0 (for TERRA 6K)

The current firmware of TERRA is KineOS 5.0, which has optimized the encoding of Apple ProRes. In the latest version of KineOS 0.5, KineRAW (KRW) RAW is also provided. You can choose either high-efficiency and high-quality Apple ProRes or lossless KineRAW for best image quality. The version of KineStation for TERRA is V0.9.

Recall (shot with TERRA 6K)

DoP: Qin Shuai; Director: Zhang Cheng & Ma Yongxian (LogImage STUDIO); Location: Shanghai; Camera: TERRA 6K, EF Mount with KineEnhancer; Lens: Zeiss CP2, Canon 70-200mm f2.8 and 100mm Macro; Recording format: S35 6K, 4K HiSpeed@75fps, as ProRes422HQ; Setting: ISO@320~1600; Edit by: Ma Xianyong (FCP X); Graded by: Chu Youfeng (Resolve). Awarded as the Best Cinematography […]

Five Short Films by Bablazart Production

Shot, directed, edited and graded by: Kirill Maryukhna, Vladimir Malinke; Location: Moscow. Camera: KineMINI 4K, KineMOUNT+EF mounting adapter; Lens: Sigma ART 50mm f1.4; Canon 100m Macro, 70-200mm f2.8; Rokinon Cine 16mm/35mm EF Prime lens; Tamron 24-70mm F2.8; Codec: 4K@25fps S35, 2K@92fps S35, 2K@50fps S16; Post workflow on: Cineform RAW mov or Cineform RGB444 mov by […]