固件KineOS 8.0

KineOS 8.0固件更新引入了4K全帧率无损无压缩RAW,通过拍摄元数据到科学、标准的后期流程,实现无损的数据和无限的后期空间;增加ProRes编码的宽色域BT.2020,协助后期流程更加科学与标准;同时,KineOS 8.0还对当前的用户界面进行更直观与现代的设计优化,进一步提升了操作体验。 本次固件更新还包含多项功能优化和BUG修复,大幅提升整体使用体验和设备稳定性。 一、无损无压缩RAW 无损无压缩RAW(DNG文件格式)支持4K全画幅全帧率RAW,通过拍摄元数据到科学、标准的后期流程,实现无损的数据和无限的后期空间。4K全画幅全帧率RAW录制,把8K/6K FF全画幅数据处理为标准4K全画幅数据,降低存储负荷量的同时保持视场角不变、帧率不变。 1. DNG和元数据:DNG记录格式的RAW包含了快门、ISO、色彩矩阵、色彩曲线等等丰富的元数据。 2. 后期流程兼容性:达芬奇Resolve顺畅支持DNG文件格式,从DNG记录格式、嵌入的元数据到科学、标准的色彩空间,大幅优化后期流程,为后期创作带来更多的可能性。 3. 高达4K 120P处理:摄影机的Edge运算平台具备海量数据处理能力,强大的处理能力支持高达4K 120P无损无压缩RAW机内处理。 4. 高带宽存储通道:KineMAG Nano 1TB/2TB存储卡由卡体和基于NVMe的M.2 2280 SSD构成,读写速度高达10Gbps,相比传统的SATA SSD大幅提高了高分辨率、高帧率编码的自由度。 *非KineMAG Nano 1TB/2TB的其他第三方SSD,可能会出现存储能力不够强的情况。 二、BT.2020色域 KineOS 8.0提供宽色域的BT.2020,不仅使得Kinefinity不同机型之间的色彩更加匹配,同时颜色更加精准。 1. 两种色域选择:在ProRes编码下,除Kinefinity原生宽色域外,本次固件更新增加了BT.2020标准色域,协助后期流程更加科学与标准。 2. BT.2020色域:选择BT.2020标准色域时,摄影机支持超采样的标准4K分辨率录制,同时保持视场角不变。此外,BT.2020色域用于超高清(UHD)视频和高动态范围(HDR)内容的制作与传输,让后期色彩制作更加专业灵活,适合专业视频制作和电影制作。 *在BT.2020色域下,可录制帧率会有变化。 三、更现代的UI设计 KineOS 8.0新增自定义按键功能,以及增强的通知、互动和风格一致的用户界面设计,进一步提升了操作体验。 1. 对话框外观优化 – 图标直观提示:全新设计的提示窗口增加醒目的颜色图标,通过绿色、黄色和红色的图标对操作进行通知与警示。– 字体与字号统一:规范标题、列表与提示文字的三种中英文字体与字号,统一文字色号。– 对话框背景外观:更新现代的圆角设计,通过描边区分取景参数设置、回放参数设置与素材相关信息的对话框外观。 2. 自定义按键 – 三个用户按键、两种触发方式:机身左侧按键1、按键2与转轮中键,匹配短按、长按两种触发方式,共计五个自定义用户按键– 超多可选功能:多达十个功能用于自定义按键,丰富创作空间 3. 全新窗口设计 – 新增提示窗口:优化信息通知类一级提示,更加直观与逻辑清晰的提示文字;增加进度计时类二级提示,让固件升级、自动掉电、切换回放等进度更有具有预期– 优化设置窗口、确认窗口:除提示窗口外,摄影机原有的参数设置窗口和选择确认窗口也进行了外观升级,更符合更新后的UI设计 四、更多功能优化 KineOS 8.0新增自定义按键功能,以及增强的通知、互动和风格一致的用户界面设计,进一步提升了操作体验。 […]

Firmware KineOS 7.3

KineOS 7.3 has comprehensively upgraded the Playback Interface, adding playback menu, clip timeline and clip list, thereby providing a more efficient and convenient experience. The update has reorganized the Frame Line logic, simplifying the process and enhancing work efficiency. Additionally, a new LUT KC709 has been added, at the same time the firmware expanding the […]

Firmware KineOS 7.1

Kinefinity officially released the firmware KineOS 7.1 for MAVO Edge cameras. KineOS 7.1 has fully optimized and upgraded the SDI function. While monitoring, SDI status bar and menu can fully display on the screen. More SDI frame rate settings and trigger recording function has been added KineOS 7.1 also adds a variety of anamorphic options […]

Firmware KineOS 7.0

Kinefinity officially released the KineOS 7.0 firmware for the MAVO Edge camera. This firmware update has redesigned the User Interface, combined with new touchscreen functions and new menus to improve the interactive experience while simplifying the workflow, making it easy for photographers to get a more perfect experience. In addition, KineOS 7.0 supports Cooke/i protocol […]

Firmware KineOS 6.5

KineOS 6.5 adds powerful internet functions so as to support a host of internet service and control functions including wireless WIFI connection, brand-new Kinefinity Connect control agreement, built-in SRT Stream server and so on. Users can control and monitor the camera in a wireless way and even livestream with ease by using Kinefinity cinema cameras. […]

Firmware KineOS 6.4

KineOS 6.4 is the newest version of firmwares for MAVO LF/MAVO/TERRA 4K. It brings the super smoother monitoring with very low latency and internal preview video for fluent playback for 6K footage and ProRes4444 or 4444XQ. Not limited to these, the best entry-level cinema camera TERRA 4K updates with highest quality codec: ProRes4444/4444XQ encoding that […]

固件KineOS 6.3

KineOS 6.3对于MAVO LF/MAVO/TERRA 4K而言,从底层开始全面优化监看画面,实现超低延迟和顺畅无比的监看体验,此外,本次更新还添加了单帧拍照模式!对于MAVO LF而言,升格性能大幅提升,帧率提高50%,实现S35 4K 150fps! KineOS 6.3适配MAVO LF、MAVO和TERRA 4K,但是并非所有新功能适用在上述机型。 1. 超低延迟、更顺畅的监看 从底层开始全面优化监看画面,大幅降低高分辨率下监看延迟,带来超低延迟和顺畅无比的监看体验!搭配同样具备超低延迟的全新基于DirectClear平台的KineMON-5U、KineMON-7H延迟减小到100ms以内,而搭配全新KineEVF,监看延迟更是减小到80ms。 即使使用非DirectClear/第三方监视器,也能够获得比之前更低延迟、更流畅的监看! 2. 大幅提升MAVO LF升格能力 在6.3固件中,MAVO LF升格性能大幅提升,不同分辨率下的最高帧率提高50%,实现S35 4K 150fps!3K Wide 150fps!2K Wide 290fps! 6K Open Gate:40–>48fps; 6K DCI:50–>60fps; 4K DCI:75–>112fps; 4K HD Wide:100–>150fps; 3K Wide:150–>195fps; 2K HD Wide:200–>290fps。 3. 新增单帧拍照模式 在6.3固件中,新增单帧拍照模式,支持单帧无损cDNG的拍摄!在保留极佳的超高画质的同时,实现电影摄影机和相机的结合。 提示:单帧拍照模式,在编码格式为cDNG下,可以设置使用,在ProRes4444/422HQ下,没有开启拍照模式。 4. 修复bug和提高稳定性 支持新款监视器KineMON-5U、KineMON-7H和KineEVF; 增加纵向变宽比例; 提高监看画面质量; 修复cDNG缓存,提高cDNG记录格式下的稳定性; 修复ProRes4444白平衡设置; 提高稳定性; 其他问题。 该固件的稳定度:评估。 […]

Firmware KineOS 6.2

The KineOS 6.2 for TERRA 4K is with big performance improvement from 4K 100fps to 4K 160fps and from 2K 220fps to 2K 320fps. For MAVO LF and MAVO, KineOS 6.2 enables the side screen function to display key parameters and adds the 3K/4K outputs oversampled from 6K open gate, to make the 3:2 open gate shooting mode more […]

Firmware KineOS 6.1

The latest KineOS6.1 as an elegant and powerful firmware matches MAVO LF and provides more enhancement like optimization on UI, black balancing, project blanking, more anamorphic ratios, e-ND step setting, etc. MAVO LF, MAVO, TERRA 4K even TERRA 6K can work with KineOS6.1, but not all new functions applicable on TERRA 4K and TERRA 6K. […]

KineOS5.2 (for TERRA 6K)

KineOS5.2 is only for TERRA 6K. The update covers improving monitoring image quality; allowing different FPS for monitoring; much more responsive on UI; activating Low-power Mode on SideGrip, supporting fast-forward or fast-reverse when playback, changing the working principle when applying external TC, lowering the minimum sensor fps to 2fps and supporting e-ND adapters.

KineOS 5.0 (for TERRA 6K)

The current firmware of TERRA is KineOS 5.0, which has optimized the encoding of Apple ProRes. In the latest version of KineOS 0.5, KineRAW (KRW) RAW is also provided. You can choose either high-efficiency and high-quality Apple ProRes or lossless KineRAW for best image quality. The version of KineStation for TERRA is V0.9.