DoP: Qingqing Liu; Location: Berlin (Germany); Camera: KineMAX 6K, KineMOUNT+EF Mounting Adapter, or EF Mounting Adapter with KineEnhancer; Lens: Canon 18-135mm; Canon 70-200mm, f2.8; Rokinon Cine EF 24mm/85mm; Tokina 11-16mm EF;
Director: Cheng Zhang; Cameraman: Yongqing Liu, Shuai Qin, Peng Cheng; Location: Shanghai China; Camera: Two KineMINI 4K; with KineMOUNT+EFMount; Lens: CP2 Prime Set; Codec: KineRAW(.krw) 2K Wide@120fps; Cineform RAW mov 2K Wide@25fps; HiSpeed: ISO 320; Normal fps: ISO 800; Edited by: Cheng Zhang, Yongqing Liu (FCP X); Graded by: Cheng Zhang; No De-noise nor Sharpen.
This update brings native 3K 4:3 anamorphic recording, 3K M4/3 recording, new notification way and new full screen display with core parameters.
This update is biggest change since KineStation was launched: Multi-process, Debayer option and log.
This version supports new lossless compression codec as KineRAW (.krw).
This version added Cineform RGB444 codec, and compatible with New KineOS 3.0 (33) for KineMINI&KineMAX.
Cameraman: Liu Qingqing, Michel; Location: Las Vegas (United States) Camera: KineMINI 4K x2: one is KineMOUNT+PL mounting, the other is native EF mounting; Lens: Sigma 18-35mm f1.8; Leica 50mm, f1.4(GL Modified); Tokina 11-16mm f2.8(GL Modified) Day: ISO 320; Night: ISO 640, 800, 1280. Mode: Uncompressed CinemaDNG 4096×2160@24fps; KineRAW(.KRW) 2048×1080@96fps Graded by: Liu Qingqing, CinemaDNG by ACR, […]
There are some important functions from KineStation V0.3 to V0.4, to make KineRAW-MINI easy to be used for post work-flow.