Built-in LUTs for KineRAW

Since the camera is a True RAW recording camera it has only its native ‘look’ which is dark because it comes from sensor directly. To become EI ISO adjusted and to make the colors bright and sharp the camera has many LUT loaded you can pick from, these include: KineLOG™ which simulates the Cineon™ Log […]

How to use New Lock-style EF mount

KineRAW camera employs whole new lock-type EF mount, new lock-type EF mounting adapter, new lock-type Nikon F mounting adapter from 2014 Jan. Its fixing way is very similar to Cine PL mount: lock ring rotation, not lens rotation to make sure EF lens locked firmly and to be contacted well with pogo-pin contact inside of […]

RAW and Codecs

The RAW concept in digital cinema/Video category is nearly same with the RAW image file in digital camera/photogragh category: No White-balanced process, nor Color grading. RAW images files description in Wikipedia is following: Raw image files are sometimes called digital negatives, as they fulfill the same role as negatives in film photography: that is, the […]