Fully Support! Cineform and Resolve in Windows

Davinci Resolve is an excellent DI software, but it can not support Cineform natively and fully. Though Cineform footages can be playback, edited and graded in Resolve, but it can not access the meta data of Cineform, like DeBayer options, primary color correction in Cineform studio, so that Cineform grading in Resolve is not good […]

Cinderella / TVC Maybelline NY (by KineMINI 4K)

Cameraman/DoP: BonBon;Director: ZERO; Art: Zhiling Zhou; Location: Shanghai (China); Camera: KineMINI 4K; Lens: Cooke S5i Prime Set; Artificial lights (mainly); Codec: 2K Cineform RAW mov; ISO: 800; Edited by: Zhaojun Chen (FCP 7); Graded by: Bachejian Weida Xu (Davinci Resolve)

FM98.1 on Storm (by KineMINI 4K)

Director: Cheng Zhang; Cameraman: Yongqing Liu, Shuai Qin, Peng Cheng; Location: Shanghai China; Camera: Two KineMINI 4K; with KineMOUNT+EFMount; Lens: CP2 Prime Set; Codec: KineRAW(.krw) 2K Wide@120fps; Cineform RAW mov 2K Wide@25fps; HiSpeed: ISO 320; Normal fps: ISO 800; Edited by: Cheng Zhang, Yongqing Liu (FCP X); Graded by: Cheng Zhang; No De-noise nor Sharpen.

Audio Recording of KineMINI 4K

KineMINI supports audio input (MIC-IN) to record the synchronous (mono, not stereo) audio, but it does not support the MIC of phantom power. MIC-IN port is located at front of the camera with jack of 3.5mm. It will generate two uncompressed audio files when recording with the external microphone inserted MIC-IN port. The audio track will be […]